
QTM returns to the Midwest
Quality Traffic Management (QTM) has secured the City of Greater Geraldton's traffic management contract until 2020. It was QTM's 20 years' experience and its commitment to recruiting local accredited personnel, including a full-time supervisor, that will see the business re-establish a depot in the region. Associate Director, Todd Bendall, said that QTM was already mobilising in the region and making the necessary arrangements to recommence services immediately. "We are delighted to be...

Charles Street bus bridge open
The new Charles Street bus bridge and busway officially opened on Sunday 25 June. The new infrastructure benefits more than 30 northern suburbs bus services, saving up to six minutes on peak hour trips. The $32.1 million project included construction of a 120-metre 'bus only' bridge over the Graham Farmer Freeway and the new Roe Street freeway off-ramp into Northbridge. Additionally, 500 metres of new bus lanes were created on Charles Street between Newcastle Street and Janet Street in ...

Traffic signal innovation for intersections
The Liberal National Government has announced traffic signal enhancements to be installed at more than 40 Perth intersections. Transport Minister Bill Marmion said successful trials involving traffic signal enhancements had been conducted as part of Main Roads Western Australia's Traffic Congestion Management Program (TCMP). "The trials included pedestrian countdown timers, flashing yellow 'caution' lights for turning traffic and right-turn filtering," Mr Marmion said. "Countdown timers...

QTM brings down the nets in Roleystone
The cricket nets have been brought down and excavation works commenced at Cross Park in Roleystone. Quality Traffic Management (QTM) is managing the joint City of Armadale and Roleystone Karragullen Cricket Club project, with many local businesses contributing to the construction of the new, larger, four-net facility. The project will see the dismantling of the existing cricket nets, removal of existing car parking, the excavation of approximately 500 cubic metres of soil, construction of ...

QTM awarded Edgewater traffic signal upgrade
QTM Electrical (QTM) was recently awarded the traffic signal upgrade for Joondalup Drive and Ocean Reef Road intersection in Edgewater, with works currently underway. The total project, which is made up of $1.5 million from the State Government and $165,000 from the City of Joondalup, was awarded to Tracc Civil, with the traffic signal component awarded to QTM. The project includes: An additional signalled turn lane on Joondalup Drive for vehicles heading east on Ocean Reef Road. An ...