Ashton Avenue Bridge Replacement, Claremont

Client: Coleman Rail
Duration: February 2018 to September 2018
QTM team(s): QTM Electrical, QTM Engineering, QTM Traffic Management
Services: Traffic management design, RTM review, traffic control, traffic signal modification, lighting upgrades
The Ashton Avenue Bridge Replacement is a Main Roads WA Project jointly funded by the Federal and State Government, under Round Three of the Bridges Renewal Program. The new bridge opened to traffic on 12 September 2018, in time for the Perth Royal Show. Minor finishing works were completed in October, these included landscaping and permanent lighting for the shared path and Ashton Avenue.
QTM was awarded the traffic engineering and electrical works by Coleman Rail. The award involved designing and implementing a traffic management plan, upgrade lighting to Principal Shared Path (PSP) with new switchboards, cabling and LED lighting and traffic signals upgrade to allow for new widened bridge.
The old Ashton Avenue timber bridge was built more than 100 years ago and had a 12-tonne load limit. Replacing it with a modern steel and concrete structure will ensure it is suitable for all standard vehicles.
Project scope includes:
- The new Ashton Avenue bridge includes a second traffic lane southbound to provide a dedicated right-turn lane on this busy route and improve traffic flow;
- The temporary right turn from Chancellor Street to Gugeri Street, implemented after the weight restriction was applied to the bridge has been removed. The right turn from Gugeri Street to Ashton Avenue has also been prohibited to improve traffic flow and safety through the intersection;
- Pedestrian facilities and shared paths upgraded to current standards, along with lighting, barriers, drainage and signs.
Key benefits Main Roads WA aim to achieve are improved traffic flow, improved safety and upgrades to pedestrian facilities.
The new bridge opened to traffic on 12 September 2018 and Transport Minister Rita Saffioti helps plant natives at the new Ashton Avenue Bridge
For more information on this and other Main Roads WA projects, please visit the website at MainRoad-WA_Projects